Жанры книг
The Secret of Spiggy Holes - Blyton Enid

The Secret of Spiggy Holes

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  • Жанр: Детские остросюжетные

  • Серия : The Secret Series

  • Дата добавления: 21/07/2015

  • Языки книги: Английский

  • Кол-во страниц: 30

  • ID книги: 125785

  • Просмотров: 327

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О книге

What excitement for Mike, Jack, Nora and Peggy when they discover the secret caves and passages of Spiggy Holes! And when they find out that a kidnapped prince is being held captive in the old house above the caves, they're in the grips of another adventure! The boys attempt to free the prince in the dead of the night—but Mike is caught and he, too, is taken prisoner...


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